Wet leaves cause MOLD
9/30/2019 (Permalink)
Now that summer weather is finally heading out and as excited as we all are for FALL!! It does come with a few down-(falls). When those beautiful leaves float down from the trees from the light breeze, the rainwater also comes along and soaks each and every leaf in its own way. As pretty as it is, those damp leaves can also hold onto that moisture from the rain and eventually allow the forming of mold.
Didn't think about that, huh? Water is the culprit in many cases causing different types of damages in its “waves”.
Well we are here to help you out and give you friendly reminders to help yourself before having to call on us. Do yourself a favor and make sure you take care of those leave piles as they start to form around your property.
No matter what, we all still welcome Fall with open arms!!!!